Boon of Ayurved….. Maintains health, eradicates toxins!
Today most would-be parents may be in their late thirties or early forties. This is when they are well-settled and start planning for the baby.
Both parents are normally exposed to various chemicals in the food and environment in various forms, whether it is pesticides, smoking, or birth control pills.
AYURVEDA defines three factors for a healthy and happy baby – a healthy sperm, egg, and uterus. It also prescribes detailed detoxification as an essential process before pregnancy planning.
What is infertility?

If you are not able to get pregnant after one year of continuous unprotected sex, then you may be suffering from infertility. Infertility is not only a female-specific problem. Both parents can be infertile.
What is Panchkarma?

Panchakarma is the superior mind-body detoxification process in Ayurveda that includes rejuvenation and immunity improvement. It helps an individual on a physical, mental, emotional, psychic, and spiritual level.
Why Panchakarma for Infertility?
The health and activities of all tissues depend on a healthy metabolism (or “Agni”), which regulates how efficiently we assimilate food.
Consequently, the first step in creating healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure a healthy metabolism.
This is accomplished by doing a thorough internal cleansing to balance the doshas and eliminate toxins (known as “Ama”), so assuring an ideal metabolic rate. Here is where the panchkarma becomes important.
What are the Steps of Panchkarma?
As the word, Panchkarma refers – panch means five and karma means processes. So, panchkarma refers to five detoxification processes. These are –
Snehana (oleation) | Svedana (fomentation) | Vaman (Ayurvedic vomiting) | Virechan (Ayurvedic purgation) | Basti (Ayurvedic enema)

1. Snehana (Oleation)
This is the first step of Panchkarma which ensures intense moisturization of the body. This step helps to loosen the toxins lodged throughout the body.
It has two processes –
1. Oral intake of medicated oil/ghee
2. Ayurvedic body massage with medicated oils
At the same time, Ayurvedic body massage also helps to accumulate the toxins for transport to the digestive system.
2. Svedana (Fomentation)
This next step enhances the blood circulation and helps to transfer the loosened toxins to the and helps to transport these toxins to the abdominal region for final elimination.

3. Vaman (Ayurvedic vomiting)
This third step of Ayurvedic detox helps to eliminate the toxins through the process of therapeutic vomiting. This procedure is especially helpful in deep cleansing the upper digestive tract.
This step helps to balance the kapha dosha in the body.
4. Virechan (Ayurvedic purgation)
This fourth step of panchkarma helps to detoxify the body through the process of therapeutic purgation. It removes the toxins from the lower digestive tract, namely intestines, liver, pancreas etc.
Virechana is considered to be the best therapy to achieve pitta balance in the body.

5. Basti (Ayurvedic enema)
This is the fifth step where medicated enema is administered. This enema helps to moisturize the rectum/ureter. These two body parts are considered to be marma or the vital points and dosha imbalance in these parts can lead to severe vata problems.
Basti is the best therapy for balancing the vata dosha in the body as the rectum and ureter are the abode of vata dosha in the body.