Infertility Treatments For Male & Female

Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment for Male
Ayurvedic infertility treatment of males focuses on an overall improvement in the quality and quantity of shukra or the reproductive fluid that contains sperms.
This is very comprehensive treatment that has following major steps –
This is very comprehensive treatment that has following major steps –
Ayurvedic body detox
Ayurvedic body detox or panchkarma helps to remove harmful toxins from the body and enhances overall strength and immunity.
Vajikaran chikitsa
Vajikaran is the Ayurvedic treatment especially for improving the male fertility. The word vaji means horse and the literal meaning of vajikaran is “to make like a horse”.
This treatment comprises a personalized Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle, along with Ayurvedic medicines and therapies.
Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment for Female
Female Ayurvedic treatment for infertility focuses on reversing hormonal imbalances, regularizing the menstrual cycle and promoting the quality of eggs. Besides, this treatment also ensures better health of the entire female reproductive system.
Ayurvedic body detox
Panchkarma helps to reduce the toxin load inside the body of the female. Besides, a special Ayurvedic therapy called uttar basti or the vagina enema helps to promote better strength and flexibility in the uterus and other reproductive parts in the females.
Ayurvedic Conception Promotion
Once the female body is thoroughly detoxified, Ayurveda recommends a diet and lifestyle that boosts the reproductive strength and improves vitality of the reproductive cells. This step also includes intake of Ayurvedic classical preparations and herbs that naturally promote pregnancy,for example Shatavari kalpa, puran ghrita etc.